Prepare All for the Even Semester

Materi yang akan dibahas di kelas XII semester gasal SMK Tunas Bangsa Tawangsari:
  1. Memahami surat-surat bisnis sederhana.
  2. Memahami dokumen-dokumen teknis
  3. Menulis surat bisnis dan laporan sederhana
Bagi siswa-siswi kelas XII dapat menyiapkan bahan sesuai materi.

The Score of English Lesson

Be Ready to Do the Test!

Dear all of my students,

Happy and cheerful are in your mind. It's like my hope.
This and next week, our school will hold Odd Semester Test. Starting 28th November 2011 until 8th December 2011.
Especially in English lesson, please study all material which I've explained in English class.
Keep your spirit and health to get good score in English.

Your English Teacher,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

Greeting (Salam)

Good morning
Selamat pagi

Good afternoon
Selamat siang

Good evening
Selamat sore


How do you do?
Bagaimana kabarmu?

How are you?
Bagaimana kabarmu?

How have you been?
Bagaimana kabarmu?

How are you getting on?
Bagaimana kabarmu?

I am fine, thank you.
Saya baik-baik saja, terima kasih.

I am pretty good. 
Saya sangat baik.

Hasil Ulangan Tengah Semester Gasal

Ulangan Tengah Semester Gasal telah dilaksanakan pada pekan lalu, tanggal 19-24 September 2011. Khususnya mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris, hasilnya telah dapat dilihat oleh siswa-siswi ku di SMK Tunas Bangsa Tawangsari. Nilainya dapat kalian lihat pada Laporan Hasil Ulangan Tengah Semester Gasal yang akan dibagikan oleh wali kelas masing-masing. Ini akan dibagikan hari Senin, tanggal 3 Oktober 2011.
Odd Mid-Term Test has been done last week, on 19th-24th September 2011. Especially English lesson, the result of the test can be seen by my students in SMK Tunas Bangsa Tawangsari. The score can be seen on the Report of  Odd Mid-Term Test that will be given by your teacher. It will be given to you on Monday, 3rd October 2011.
Nilai yang telah kalian peroleh ini nanti dapat menjadi tolok ukur keberhasilan kalian belajar bahasa Inggris pada 3 bulan awal ini. Jika nilai kalian masih di bawah KKM segera tingkatkan belajar kalian. Jika nilai kalian sudah di atas KKM pertahankan.
The score, you will receive can show your achievement in English lesson for 3 months. If your score is still under KKM, you must study hard. If your score is higher than KKM, you must keep it.

Word of the Day: Match

match (kb)

match adalah kata benda.
pengucapannya : maec
  1. korek api
  2. pertandingan
  3. tandingan
kata yang serupa:
matchbook: kertas penutup korek api.
matchbox: kotak korek api
matchmaker: pencari jodoh, pinang muda, mucikari, mak combang.
matchstick: batang korek api

Kamus Inggris Indonesia oleh John M. Echols dan Hassan Shadily Tahun 2000.

Kisi-Kisi UTS Gasal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Hello all my students,

Next week, on Monday 19th September 2011, our school will have mid-term test (Ulangan Tengah Semester). I've uploaded Kisi-kisi for this test. You must download it. OK.

Download Now

Download Now

Are You Ready?

"Are you ready?"
"Are you ready to study English?"
"If you're ready please say: I am happy to study English"

The above quotation always I used to make my students have new spirit to study English in my class.
How about you?
How can you make your students have high motivation in studying English?
I believe you have done something same with me.
Let's make make our students love English. So, we will have next generation.

Your English Teacher @12th Class

Make E-mail

I ask my students to make e-mail. The e-mail must be made is from Gmail. And then, I ask my students to send their e-mail to:
Why must my students make e-mail from Gmail?
Because it will give information in it and easy to make and use.

Your English Teacher @12,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

Let's Study English!

Come on my students!
Studying English in my class.
Starting on July 11th, 2011, the lesson in my class was started, although it's introduction and explanation how will we study English in my class.
The next day, I taught my students how to welcome the guest. It's only to make them have new spirit in learning English. The text is said orally. So, it's categorized as LISTENING.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to our travel agent.
We will have five tourism places today.
Please, get into the bus.
We will arrive in the first tourism place at nine.

That is all.

Hello Class Twelve

Hi, my students.
Nice to meet you on this blog. I am Darwoto. I am your English teacher.
This blog is a media that I used to inform all things about English lesson. If you want to study English more after I taught you in the class you may ask me through here. Inform this blog to you friends. This is a formal blog.

Your English Teacher @12th,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

Berita [News]

Darwoto, S.Pd. is English teacher of SMK Tunas Bangsa Tawangsari. He had been teaching since 2009. In this year, he is teaching English at class twelve.
The first class he's taught was class eleventh. In the next year, 2010/2011 academic year, he taught class twelve. In this year, it's too. It's a hard way, the teacher must make students smarter than before. Because before it will graduate good student and the society will see the condition.

Find You

Darwoto's Webblog | You can communicate with your English teacher, Mr.Darwoto. Talk about anything. You can share your ideas, get info from him, etc.

English with Darwoto | You will study English simply here. You learn English with special topic.

Salam Pertama

This blog is a media for teaching English for class twelve SMK. Expecially, this blog, we use to help the process of teaching and learning English in class twelve at SMK Tunas Bangsa Tawangsari Sukoharjo Central Java.

Blog ini adalah media untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMK. Lebih khusus, blog ini kami gunakan untuk membantu proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris di kelas 12 SMK Tunas Bangsa Tawangsari Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah.