Welcome to New Academic Year 2012/2013

Welcome to New Academic Year 2012/2013 for all of my students at SMK Tunas Bangsa Tawangsari Sukoharjo.
It is a good time to inform you about all things needed by new students in new class, especially class twelve. You must know about how to get success in class twelve. I am your English teacher will inform it in your class. So, don't miss me in your class.

Your English Teacher,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

English Club

Dear visitors,
English Club adalah salah satu website yang memuat materi tentang belajar bahasa Inggris. Buat kamu, para pengunjung, silahkan berkunjung ke sana lewat link http://englishclub.com. Semoga ini dapat membantu Anda untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. 

Slang: zip

Meaning: energy, vitality
For example:
1. People say those energy drinks like Red Bull give them a bit of extra zip, but they don't do anything to me.
2. The advertisement says we'll be full of zip if we take these new vitamin pills.

Source: http://www.englishclub.com

Contoh Resume


My name is Agi Prayoga. I am 16 years old. I am from Jetis, Ponowaren, Tawangsari, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. I live with my parents. I am the first son in my family. I have an old sister. I am a diligent boy. Working part time after school at a workshop is my activity. On Sunday, I have jogging and futsal with my friends. My friends said that I was good looking. And, I am a hard worker and target oriented.
I was graduated from SMK Tunas Bangsa Tawangsari. It is the best vocational high school in Sukoharjo. It seems from the graduation, the building, equipments for practice, and many more. I have many capabilities. I can paint the body of car well. I can assemble the lathe machine. And making trellis is my additional ability. I ever got the first position of running competition in the regency.
Graduate from SMK, I have worked in a car body painting for one year. After that, I worked in a lathe producer. I have worked there for six months. I want to get another experience. So, I quit/resign from lathe producer. And I worked in trellis workshop for two years. I am able to do my jobs in the three places all well. You may check about my activities in the three places by calling Mr. Bejo in car body painting, Mr. Lukman in lathe producer, and Miss Diana in trellis.

Contoh Curriculum Vitae

1.    Full Name                               :  DARWOTO, S.Pd.
2.    Nick Name                             :  Totok
3.    Place and Date of Birth          :  Grobogan, 3rd February 1984
4.    Sex                                        :  Male
5.    Address                                :  Pandanrangkang 03/01, Kedungjambal, Tawangsari, Sukoharjo 57561
6.    Religion                                  :  Moslem
7.    Nationality                              :  Indonesian
8.    Education                               :  S-1 English Degree
9.    GPA                                       :  3,57
10.Blood Type                             :  O
11.HP.                                         :  0888 597 6110 – 081 225 945 663
12.E-mail                                     :  mr.darwoto@yahoo.com
13.Blog                                        :  http://www.englishmemore.blogspot.com
14.Facebook                                :  mr.darwoto@gmail.com
15.Height/Weight                        :  164 cm/50 kg
16.Marital Status                         :  Married
17.Wife’s name                           :  Suparmi, S.Pd.
18.Son                                         :  1 son (1 year old)
19.Son’s Name                            :  Galang Arhaburrizqi Zahid

1.      Formal
a.       Elementary at SD N Sindurejo 2, Toroh, Grobogan.        
b.      Junior High School at SMP N 2 Toroh, Toroh, Grobogan.
c.       Senior High School at SMA N 1 Toroh, Toroh, Grobogan.
d.      University at Widya Dharma University, Klaten English Education Study Program.
2.      Informal
a.       English Course at LPK Bina Siswa Purwodadi.
b.      Computer Course at LPK Bina Siswa Purwodadi.

1.      Management of Scout Movement at SMP N 2 Toroh.
2.      Management of OSIS SMA N 1 Toroh.
3.      Management of IRMAS (Ikatan Remaja Masjid) Sindu, Sindurejo, Toroh, Grobogan.
4.      Management of BEM UNWIDHA Klaten (Seksi Penelitian dan Pengembangan).
5.      Member and Management of UKMI (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Islam) Unwidha Klaten.
6.      Member and Management UKM Pramuka Racana Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten.

1.      Officer at Rental Computer “BMC Computer”, Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantoro, Macanan Baru, Karanganom, Klaten Utara, Klaten.
2.      English Teacher at di SD N 1 Brangkal, Karanganom, Klaten.
3.      English Teacher at di SD N 2 Brangkal, Karanganom, Klaten.
4.      English Teacher for Elementary, Junior High School, Senior High School, and General and Computer (Microsoft Office) at ”UGAMA” Klaten.
5.      Private English Teacher for Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High School.
6.      Freelance Translator at Rental Computer ”dam@i-lima.com”.
7.      Teaching Coordinator and English Teacher at ”ELC” Nusukan Surakarta.
8.      English Teacher at ”SPEC” Sukoharjo.

1.      Latihan Pengembangan Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen XV Tingkat Regional Jawa-Bali is held by Gerakan Pramuka Gugus Depan Surakarta 04.555 & 04. 550 in Sebelas Maret University Surakarta on November, 25th-28th  2004.
2.      Kursus Pembina Pramuka Mahir Tingkat Dasar (KMD) is held by STAIN (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam) Surakarta on July, 7th-22nd 2005.
3.      Interactive Seminar on the Introduction to the Newest International System presented by Dr. H. Bambang Marsono, BA, MA, MSc, MBA, PhD. is held by Oxford Course Indonesia in Widya Dharma University, Klaten on January, 13th 2006.
4.      Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah bagi Mahasiswa PTS Kopertis Wilayah VI Tahun 2006 is held by Kopertis Wilayah VI in Bandungan, Ambarawa on March, 21st-25th 2006.
5.      Lomba Karya Tulis Mahasiswa (LKTM) tingkat Kopertis Wilayah VI tahun 2006 Bidang Pendidikan is held by Kopertis Wilayah VI in Semarang on April, 27th 2006.
6.      Lokakarya Permuseuman in Kabupaten Klaten is held by Museum Jawa Tengah Ronggowarsito in Hotel Galuh Prambanan, Klaten on June 13th-14th 2006.

F.     SKILL
1.      Communicate in English orally and written.
2.      Skillful in computer (Microsoft Office).
3.      Operating internet well.

That is all my curriculum vitae. I hope the information in it can be used well.

Sincerely Yours,